The NG9-1-1 Institute’s operations are overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of fifteen (15) members.
Four (4) Board Members are permanent (unelected): They are the APCO, NENA, and NASNA appointed representatives, and the Executive Director of the NG9-1-1 Institute.
The other eleven (11) members are representatives from the following constituencies serving staggered two-year terms (terminating in the year shown next to each elected Board Member):
Three (3) representatives from consumer telecommunications companies [Consumer Telco - General]
Three (3) representatives from vendors primarily selling software or services to public safety agencies [Vendor - Public Safety]
Three (3) representatives from the membership at large [Member-At-Large]
Two (2) representatives from the membership at large representing Public Safety [Member-At-Large Public Safety]
Current Officers (2024-2025)
Chair: Susan Ornstein
Vice Chair: Heather McGaffin
Treasurer: Brian Fontes
Directors & Board Members
Permanent Directors / Board Seats
Wesley Wright
Executive Director - NG9-1-1 Institute
Melvin Maier
Int’l Association of Public-Safety Communication Officials (APCO)
Brian Fontes
National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
Leah Missildine
National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA)
Elected Directors / Board Seats
Rick Silva (2026)
Mike Tan (2026)
Eric Hagerson (2026)
Todd Piett (2026)
Motorola Solutions
Jennifer White (2026)
Monica Million (2025)
Million Consulting Services, LLC
Mark Fletcher (2025)
911Inform, LLC
Karen J. Marquez (2025)
Susan Ornstein (2025)
Scott Brillman (2025)
Fairfax County 9-1-1
Heather McGaffin (2025)
DC Office of Unified Communications
The NG9-1-1 Institute values our relationships with our partners. We work with our partners on our events, both large and small and rely on these partnerships to carry a unified message for the importance of education, advocacy and awareness regarding 9-1-1 and emergency communications.
APCO International
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International is the world’s oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public safety communications. APCO International serves the professional needs of its 15,000 members worldwide by creating a platform for setting professional standards, addressing professional issues and providing education, products and services for people who manage, operate, maintain and supply the communications systems used by police, fire and emergency medical dispatch agencies.
The Wireless Association is an international organization representing the wireless communications industry. Membership in the association includes wireless carriers and their suppliers, as well as providers and manufacturers of wireless data services and products. CTIA advocates on behalf of its members at all levels of government. The association also coordinates the industry’s voluntary best practices and initiatives, and sponsors the industry’s leading wireless tradeshows. CTIA was founded in 1984 and is based in Washington, DC.
The European Emergency Number Association, is a Brussels-based NGO set up in 1999 dedicated to promoting high-quality emergency services reached by the number 112 throughout the EU. EENA serves as a discussion platform for emergency services, public authorities, decision makers, associations and solution providers in view of improving emergency response in accordance with citizens' requirements. EENA is also promoting the establishment of an efficient system for alerting citizens about imminent or developing emergencies. The 112 Foundation was created to promote the knowledge and appropriate use of the European emergency number 112 with the main objective to provide all citizens and organizations willing to inform and educate on 112 with information materials and guidelines to organize information campaigns.
The Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (iCERT) represents the voice of the commercial sector in the emergency communications field. Established by a group of prominent leaders in December 2005 originally as the 9-1-1 Industry Alliance, iCERT - the Industry Council - plays an important role as the voice of companies on public policy issues impacting 9-1-1 and the emergency response system. Industry Council members believe that business leaders’ expertise can assist public policymakers and government emergency communications professionals as they address complex choices regarding advanced communications technology alternatives in the years ahead. Through advocacy, research and in coordination with the public sector, the Industry Council plays a vital role in the development and deployment of emergency response technologies.
The National Academies of Emergency Dispatch is a non-profit standard-setting organization promoting safe and effective emergency dispatch services world-wide. Comprised of three allied Academies for medical, fire and police dispatching, the NAED supports first-responder related research, unified protocol application, legislation for emergency call center regulation, and strengthening the emergency dispatch community through education, certification, and accreditation.
The purpose of the National Association of State 9-1-1 Administrators is to promote information sharing amongst those states with programs dedicated to implementing 9-1-1 emergency telephone systems; assist other states with resolving issues necessary to accomplish statewide implementation and maintenance; encourage the establishment of a coordination person within each state or province; identify and recommend minimum standards for 9-1-1 emergency telephone systems; identify and recommend appropriate legislation or rules concerning the administration of statewide 9-1-1 telephone system programs and serve as a knowledge resource for the membership of the Association.
The 911 Association serves the public safety community as the only professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 policy, technology, operations, and education issues. With more than 7,000 members in 48 chapters across North America and around the globe, NENA promotes the implementation and awareness of 9-1-1 and international three-digit emergency communications systems. NENA works with public policy leaders, emergency services and telecommunications industry partners, like-minded public safety associations, and other stakeholder groups to develop and carry out critical programs and initiatives; to facilitate the creation of an IP-based Next Generation 9-1-1 system; and to establish industry leading standards, training and certifications.
911 for Kids
The official public education organization for law enforcement agencies, fire departments, emergency medical response and 9-1-1 communication centers for the U.S., Canada and the Cayman Islands; all countries where "9-1-1" is the universal emergency response phone number. 9-1-1 for Kids® was established in 1994 and is endorsed by: APCO International (Assn. of Public Safety Communications Officials); NG9-1-1 Institute; NENA (National Emergency Numbers Assn.); and NASNA (National Assn. of Nine-one-one Administrators).
NG911 NOW Coalition
The NG911 NOW Coalition is comprised of leading 911 associations, i.e., the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), the National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA), and the Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (iCERT). The NG911 NOW Coalition, whose members are working to address the funding, technical, policy and legislative challenges that have stalled more rapid NG911 implementation, is calling on government officials across the country to support the NG911 transition and, by the end of the year 2020, ensure that all 911 systems and centers in all 56 states and territories will have sufficiently funded, standards-based, end-to-end, IP-based 911 capabilities, and will have retired legacy 911 systems, without any degradation in service to the public.