Call for Nominations - NG9-1-1 Institute Board of Directors Candidates - 2024 - 2026 Term

The Institute welcomes the self and third-party nomination of prospective Board Members who are committed to the mission of the NG9-1-1 Institute and are prepared to dedicate themselves in the service of our organization. We invite persons who are members of the Institute and qualify for one of the positions to consider running for a Board position. If you are interested in nominating someone or yourself, please review all the information below regarding the position(s) and nomination process.  Use the link below to submit a nomination.

There is no limit to the number of nominations you can submit. You do not need to be a member of the Institute to submit a nomination, but you must be a current member of the Institute to be a Candidate, vote in the election, and serve on the Board.

Become a Member or Renew Your Membership

The process includes completion of the Nomination Form using the link below and submission of a signed Affidavit of Candidacy (2024).  The Affidavit of Candidacy and any additional materials not submitted through the Nomination Form should be emailed to

All required materials must be submitted via the Nomination Form or via email to by 11:59 pm on Saturday, September 14, 2024 or the candidate will not appear on the ballot.  Please direct any questions to Thank you for your support of the Institute.


1) Candidates can only register in one (1) category for the ballot. There is no limit to the number of third-party candidate nominations you can submit. 

2) You do not need to be a member of the Institute to submit a nomination or self-nominate. 

3) However, you must be a current member of the Institute to appear on the ballot, vote in the Board election, or serve on the Board. Click here to go to the free NG9-1-1 Institute membership form if you are not already a member.

Open Seats / Categories for the 2024-2026 Term

Three (3) Vacancies: Consumer Telco

Description: A provider of retail telecommunications service (regardless of size or technology).

Two (2) Vacancies: Member-At-Large – General

Description: Any current member of the NG 9-1-1 Institute. [However, if you are employed by a consumer telco, you are strongly encouraged to register in the Consumer Telco category.]

What You Need to Know About Serving on the Board of Directors

Achieving our mission requires leadership from our volunteer Board.  Building a strong Board requires that prospective Board members know the opportunities and expectations that come with service on our Board.

Our Mission

The mission of the Institute is to assist the Congressional NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus by serving as a broad educational resource on issues important to the effective operation and advancement of NG9-1-1 services and systems. The overarching objective of the NG9-1-1 Institute is to advance the rapid implementation of NG9-1-1 in order to promote more effective emergency response, improve public safety, and advance national security interests. To this end, the Institute seeks to educate Congressional Members and staff on issues that may impact timely and effective NG9-1-1 implementation.  Our organization serves as a forum for policy discussions on critical 9-1-1 issues and also provides information and administrative support to Members of the Congressional NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus as they pursue their mission of improving and strengthening NG9-1-1 and emergency communications.


Board Members will have opportunities to ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE and:

1) contribute on a national board to exercise governance, abide by fiduciary functions, and be active in carrying out the mission of the Institute;

2) become more fully informed on the various activities of the Institute, the Congressional NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus, other related and cooperating Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), and our partners;

3) promote the NG9-1-1 Institute and the advancement of emergency services nationwide;

4) support an organization that works to educate the public and Congress on the issues facing emergency communications;

5) assist the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus in their mission of advancing 9-1-1 services nationwide; and

6) recognize individuals for their heroism and leadership in the public safety field.

Board Member Expectations

1) Prepare for, attend, and contribute to the monthly Board meetings (scheduled 60-minutes).

  • a) Board members who miss three consecutive Board meetings are subject to removal from the Board.

  • b) Board members who cease to be qualified for their Board seats (e.g., no longer employed, etc.) are removed from the Board immediately by action of the Bylaws.

4) Much of the work of the Board is done by Committees comprised of a sub-set of Board Members.

  • a) Each Committee has a Chair who leads the Committee to its appointed duties or tasks.

  • b) Board Members are expected to serve on one or more Committees and to actively support the Committee’s agenda.

5) Upon appointment, a Board Member must sign a Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy concerning the fulfillment of the duties as a member of the Board, and otherwise fully comply with all Institute Bylaws, policies (including our Antitrust policy), and rules.


The Board votes and annually elects a Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer.

Terms of Office / Re-Election

The term for a member of the Board is two (2) years.  Assuming continued or re-qualification for an industry segment, there is no Board re-election limit; however, you may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in any Officer position.

Voting Process

All qualified candidates (who accept nomination or self-nominate) with valid completed/signed forms submitted before the deadline will be presented to the NG9-1-1 membership for election via the ballot.

Each NG9-1-1 Institute member (“Voter”) may cast one (1) vote for (assuming a candidate is on the ballot):

  • a) a candidate representing the same category that the Voter belongs to (as noted by the Voter on his/her ballot);

  • b) one (1) vote for each Member-At-Large - General candidate;

  • c) if no candidate is on the ballot in the same category as the Voter, then the Voter can only vote for the Member-At-Large – General candidate(s) (if any).

Nomination Process

If you are submitting a self-nomination, please renew your membership or become a member. Membership is free and easy - Button [“Free Membership - Press Here”], above, takes you to the free NG9-1-1 Institute membership form if you are not already a member.

For both third-party and self-nomination, a registration and all required forms (PLEASE MAKE EACH FORM A SEPARATE PDF OR WORD DOCUMENT) must be completed and received no later than the deadline listed below.

NOTE: Select information (not contact information) and the candidate’s election statement will be used for the nomination profile during the election process and distributed to the NG9-1-1 Institute membership. It will also be published on the NG9-1-1 Institute’s website during the open voting period.

Please direct any questions to

Schedule/Deadlines - 2024 Election

AUG 29 - Call For Nominations Open

SEP 14 - Call for Nominations Closes [Extended Deadline]

SEP 18 - Voting Open

OCT 02 - Voting Close

OCT 09 - New Board Members Announced

OCT 16 - New Board Members Seated


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q – I am not a current member of the NG9-1-1 Institute but wish to run for a Board Position, can I?

A – No, but you can join and then qualify. You must be a member of the NG9-1-1 Institute prior to the nominations deadline.  Becoming a member is easy and membership is free.

Q - What is the time commitment for Board service?

A - Board members are expected to attend the Monthly (:30min) remote Board meetings and volunteer for other duties such as committee assignments. Examples; Events Committee, Election Committee, and Sponsorship Committee. Board Members also sometimes attend our periodic and annual events. While many responsibilities are completed on a flexible schedule, Board membership is a true working commitment - these are not “ceremonial” positions.

Q – Can I nominate myself to run for a Board Position?

A – Yes, anyone can make a nomination and you can nominate yourself.  You will ultimately need to be an NG9-1-1 Institute member, qualify for the category for which you are nominated, accurately complete the appropriate forms / supply requested information, and complete all this by the required deadline.

Q – Can I run for any Board Position?

A – No.  You can only run for a vacancy in a category for which you qualify and that is accepting nominations this election cycle.  For example, if you work for a Consumer Telco - General, you could only be nominated in the categories of “Consumer Telco – General ” or “Member-At-Large - General”, but not both categories, and only if a vacancy (or more than one vacancy) is open this election period.

Q – How many Board Positions can I vote for?

A – Each NG9-1-1 Institute member may vote for one (1) of the candidates running in the category to which he/she also belongs to based upon the member’s registration with the Institute.  A member may also vote for each vacant “Member-At-Large” position.

Q – How does the NG9-1-1 Institute determine the categories for which I may vote and the company I am affiliated with?

A – All information is from your membership registration.  All cast votes are verified with the current membership roster.  When voting, NG9-1-1 Institute members must declare a “category” and provide additional information. You can update your information at any time via the membership link.

Q – What happens if there are candidate qualification question, in the event of a vote tie, or any other election question?

A – The Board of Directors, and by delegation its Election Committee, are exclusively empowered in the Bylaws to resolve and/all ties and/or other qualification/election questions, and all decisions of the Board are final and non-appealable.

Q – Are Board Members paid for service, travel, or expenses?

A – No.  Board Members are volunteers and are not compensated for general Board work, travel, or incidental expenses.  However, upon pre-approval by the Board or the Executive Director, and if the action is related to a Board duty, a Board Member may be reimbursed for an expense or limited travel.  This compensation is also subject to notice and rules of the Board member’s employer, and the Board member would be responsible for all applicable taxes, and to notify his/her employer of the compensation.

Updated 9/2024

Candidate Registration and Instructions: LINK

Affidavit of Candidacy: LINK

If you have a problem with either link, above, please sent an email to -

Board Election Categories

Consumer Telco

A provider of retail telecommunications service (regardless of size or technology).

Member-At-Large (General)

Any current member of the NG9-1-1 Institute. [However, if you qualify for another category, you are strongly encouraged to register in that category.]

Vendor (Public Safety)

Any entity that provides products, services, or applications that, among other areas, supports the delivery of requests for emergency services; assist in the deployment of 9-1-1 networks and/or assist communications providers in meeting their 9-1-1 service obligations, including entities such as third-party providers and consulting companies.

These position descriptions are meant to be informative and instructive so that a candidate may apply for the most appropriate position for his/her qualifications.

Member-At-Large (Public Safety)

Any current member of the NG9-1-1 Institute who is employed by a public safety agency or other governmental entity related to emergency response or emergency communications.

If there are questions regarding the appropriate classification of a candidate, the Board of Directors, and by designation its Election Committee, retain the exclusive right to resolve any such question, and this decision is final and non-appealable.
