Plan to join us in Spring 2026 for our Annual 911 Honor Awards event and Technology Showcase. In the meantime, nominate your public safety heroes and leaders NOW. Nomination form available 24/7/365
Next 911 Honor Awards - PRESS TO NOMINATE NOW
Our Mission
The NG9-1-1 Institute’s mission is to assist the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus by serving as a broad educational resource on issues important to the effective operation and advancement of NG911 services and systems.
Our overarching objective is to advance the rapid implementation of NG911 in order to promote more effective emergency response, improve public safety, and advance national security interests for the protection of all citizens.
Therefore, the Institute seeks to educate the members of the Caucus, other Congressional Members and Staff, and members of the public on issues that may impact timely and effective operation and implementation of NG911, and to further the related goals of public safety.
About Us
The NG9-1-1 Institute is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that works with the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus to promote deployment of advanced and effective 911 and Next Generation 911 (collectively, NG911) services throughout the nation. Founded in 2003, the Institute continues to be a valued resource for Members of Congress and their staff.
The NG9-1-1 Institute has members from throughout the nation who are dedicated to advancing NG911 services. Members include public safety officials, telecommunication and industry professionals, policy makers, academia, and concerned citizens. The NG9-1-1 Institute is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors made up of representatives from national public safety communications associations (NENA, APCO, NASNA), the public safety industry, telecommunications companies, and the general public.